Table of Contents
Doing business in Hong Kong
When signing contracts with a company in Hong Kong both parties must pay attention to the laws governing that contract. Cross-border contracts signed with foreign companies might have a different law governing them, apart from the Hong Kong law. In these cases, the law governing in the country of incorporation of one of the signatory parties can apply.
As business owner in Hong Kong who is entering into various business agreements with companies from other jurisdictions you must understand the contractual liabilities and responsibilities that arise form a particular agreement. For this purpose, it is very useful to contact a law firm in Hong Kong whose experts can represent you in relation to another party.
The Hong Kong contract law
Our lawyers in Hong Kong can give you detailed information about the contract law in the city and how it applies to a certain type of contract. In order to be considered valid, a contract in Hong Kong must contain the elements of intention (to enter into a legal relation), offer, consideration and capacity.
Contracts cannot be concluded by minors or mentally ill individuals. Our lawyers can tell you more about how you can use a representative or signatory who can sign contracts on behalf of a company or an individual.
Types of contracts in Hong Kong
There are many types of contracts that can be concluded in Hong Kong between companies and individuals. Usually, a distinction is made between overseas contracts and local contracts. The latter are more common and are the norm in employment cases.
Employment contracts in Hong Kong, as well as those designed for rental or property sale purposes must observe the laws in force for the respective field. For example, an employment contract must be drawn up according to the provisions of the employment law that require a specific amount of information which needs to be included in this agreement: names of the parties, job duties and description, remuneration, working conditions and hours, etc.
When drafting special types of contracts a lawyer can help you maintain the contractual requirements within the legal provisions. Moreover, one our representatives in civil law can also inform you of the various liabilities that can arise as a consequence of failing to meet the contractual requirements.