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The credit rating: a strong indicator of economic performance
Hong Kong has an excellent credit rating, confirmed by three of the world’s most important rating organizations. The city is an international business hub and many foreign investors open a company here or extend their business to the Asia market through a branch in Hong Kong.
Our lawyers in Hong Kong can give you detailed information about the city’s creditworthiness. We ca help you assess the best business options and take the necessary steps to establish a business here.
Fitch ratings for Hong Kong
The Fitch ratings for Hong Kong are AA+ with a stable outlook. This shows that Hong Kong companies are considered to be quality companies with a small risk for investments. The highest grade awarded by Fitch ratings is AAA, with D companies being those most unreliable and vulnerable, in the non-investment grade category.
Fitch also offers short-term credit ratings. The company is one of the biggest three statistical rating companies in the world and it is based in New York.
S&P ratings and Moody’s ratings for Hong Kong
S&P has a stable AAA rating for Hong Kong while Moody’s has a stable Aa1 rating. Standard and Poor’s Financial Services is an American financial company that analyses stocks and bonds and publishes its ratings based on these findings. A country with the AAA rating, the highest possible, is considered one that can has a strong capacity to fulfill its financial commitments. Moody’s is also a credit rating that ranks countries according to their creditworthiness. Along with S&P and Fitch, it is considered one of the three greatest credit rating agencies in the world. A rating of Aa1 for Hong Kong indicates that the city has a very low credit rick and it has high-quality potential for investments.
Between them, the credit ratings for Hong Kong offer a stable outlook for investments and prove that the city has excellent potential for foreign investments. Hong Kong is not only a stable economic center but also one with great geographical advantages, especially for those investors who want to open an import and export business.
If you are interested in knowing more about the creditworthiness of the city, or how to list your company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, please contact our Hong Kong lawyers. We can help you with additional information.